ACR was recently awarded a $7M grant to address inequities in symptom recognition, care and…

The ACR’s Lupus Initiative Expands Training, Educational Resources
Excerpted from The Rheumatologist, August 17, 2015.
The ACR’s Lupus Initiative Expands Training, Educational Resources
By E. William St.Clair, MD
The Lupus Initiative (TLI) has been an emergent creation inside the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) for the past six years. In 2009, the Office of Minority Health and Office of Women’s Health (now called the Office of Health Disparities) solicited an application from the ACR to develop resources for educating non-rheumatologists, both in training and in practice, to recognize the signs and symptoms of lupus and make appropriate referrals. The ACR created TLI to carry out this task, which it has done under the guidance of a national consortium of lupus and health disparities experts from academia, research, clinical practice and patient services. Continue to The Rheumatologist to read the full article.